What's On



We meet for worship at church each Sunday at 10.30am, If you would like to join us in Church feel free to come and see us, or if you have more inquiry, please email our website at gainsboroughurc@gmail.com.
God's Love is for everyone.

Below are our worship service dates,
  • 02  March   Revd. Stephen Gilbert (Communion)
  • 09 March Revd. Cecil White
  • 16 March Revd. Robert Bushby
  • 23 March  Mr John Mclean
  • 30  March   Revd. Hamish Temple (Mothering Sunday)

Communion Offertory is in Aid of the Salvation Army Food Bank and Bearded Fisherman Charity.

You may continue to listen to the URC service available via the URC daily devotions website, just subscribe to Devotions.urc.org.uk for devotional materials. To learn more about online worship, advice, latest update and guidelines please visit urc.org.uk.

If you have more questions and query please email us gainsboroughurc@gmail.com


Our Church is open on the weekend of 10 and 11 of May 2025. come and visit our May flower room and learn the history of the Pilgrim fathers, and after that join us for some light refreshments.

There is also an Art exhibition showcasing the works of the local Art group and a Large Organ  made in 1903 by Foster and Andrews and is listed as an instrument of national heritage importance.


The EU Settlement Scheme is to provide free practical help and support to vulnerable EU, EEA and Swiss citizens applying to the EU Settlement Scheme to secure their rights in the UK after Brexit. Their Website Address is https://www.citizensadvicesouthlincs.org.uk/eu-settlement-scheme/ 


Food may be taken to the Salvation Army between 10am-1pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and left in the trolley outside.  Financial donations may be made online at http://www.justgiving.com/GainsboroughCovid-19.


If you are interested to find out the History and journey of the first pilgrims, please visit http://www.pilgrimroots. there are videos, stories of faith and historical journeys to be found.
our very own United Reformed Church is included in the series called Pilgrim Churches: Where it all began' it features churches with links to the Mayflower Pilgrims, their history and their significance.
made and produced by the Bassetlaw Museum and Pilgrim Gallery. 
Local historian Adrian Gray has a new book out, ‘People & Places of Bassetlaw.’  A book ‘The Pilgrim Embroideries’ by artist and embroiderer Jennie King is also now available.  Both books may be bought from Bookworm of Retford (E-mail sales@bookwormretford.co.uk).  


We meet for worship every Sunday at 10.30 a.m.

For the Sundays of each month worship is led by a visiting Minister or lay preacher, or the church’s own lay worship team.

On the first Sunday morning of each month and on Easter Sunday we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. . The United Reformed  Church believes that all who love the Lord Jesus Christ are welcome at the table, so there is an open invitation.

There are at least four All Age Worship Services each year. On other Sundays children leave the main service halfway through and enjoy their own activities in Junior Church.

We also have Cafe Style Worship three times a year, an informal time of worship, with coffee and biscuits available throughout.


We are open once a week for The Mayflower Pilgrims Exhibition, Fridays from (11 a.m. - 3pm).
come and join us, admission are free and refreshments are available.

The Mayflower Room accommodates an informative display of the local history of our Separatist ancestors who played an important role in the Mayflower Pilgrims voyage in 1620.  All ages welcome.


The group meet up on occasions  and share artistic nature and different experiences and techniques.
please contact us for more details or if you are interested.